List of valid nominations

The Nobel nominations are surrounded by secrecy, we think knowledge of the actual and real nominations are a good way to promote Nobel’s own purpose establishing the prize.

All candidates listed below are potentially qualified to win the prize for “the champions of peace”, described by Nobel as those who have “worked the best or the most” for “the uniting of nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies as well as organizing peace congresses”:

Abolition 2000

Abolition 2000 – the global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons. With over 2000 member organisations from around the world, this is the biggest nuclear abolition network. Abolition 2000 has had considerable success, especially in building United Nations, government and public support for a nuclear weapons convention – a global treaty to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.


Since its foundation in 2004, ‘Kyujo-no-Kai’ has been appealing to the world spirit of the Article 9 of Constitution of Japan which advocates absolute abandonment of the war, emphasizing significance of peace for existence of humanity in the future.

Julian Assange

I write to nominate, Mr. Julian Assange, editor-in-Chief, Wikileaks, and Wikileaks, for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Julian Assange is founder of Wikileaks which is a legally-constituted online news publisher, which is funded by voluntary donations and has been recognized for quality investigative journalism, and awarded many prestigious international journalism and human rights awards.

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julian assange
madea benjamin

Medea Benjamin

Medea is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. While her anti-war work dates back to her high school years during the Vietnam War in the l960s and continued in Africa and Central America in the l970s and l980s her most important recent work has been in response to the 2001 9/11 attacks in the United States. … (she) took 9/11 family members to Afghanistan to meet with the innocent victims of US bombing, then brought the 9/11 families to Washington over and over again to lobby for a compensation fund for the Afghan victims, something they achieved in 2005.

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Kathryn Bolkovac

Kathryn Bolkovac is the policewoman from Nebraska, USA, who was to investigate violations of human rights. She was part of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Bosnia, but was employed by a private military corporation, DynCorp, to, inter alia, train local police forces. In Bosnia Bolkovac discovered a network of trafficking, prostitution and corruption that turned out to involve also her superiors and employees of the UN system. Bolkovac revealed how women from neighboring Eastern European countries became victims of trafficking and subjected to gross abuse of the very persons who should protect peace and security. She lost her job because of her warning, and took an enormous personal risk when she fled from Bosnia with the evidence.

Jacqueline Cabasso

Jacqueline Cabasso

Coalition for an International
Criminal Court


Helen Clark, New Zealand

helen clark

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots er en internasjonal koalisjon av NGOer som jobber for et forbud mot
programmerte selvstyrte våpensystemer som bryter med sivil rett, internasjonal humanitær rett og
menneskerettighetene. Campaign to Stop Killer Robots ble lansert i 2013 og er en internasjonal koalisjon av ikke-statlige organisasjoner som jobber for et forbud mot programmerte selvstyrte våpensystemer.

bruce kent

Bruce Kent

(1929 – 2022)

I wish to nominate Bruce Kent for the Nobel Peace Prize 2019. Widely recognised as the foremost public champion of peace in the UK over the last five decades, he is to this day and in his 90th year still working – tirelessly, consistently, effectively and with a clear broad vision – to establish and promote a culture of peace, and to bring about the abolition of war.

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Combatants for Peace, Israel/Palestine

Combatants for Peace is a true sign of the ability of people to find common ground and stand up for humanity in the midst of hatred, oppression and violence.

combatants for peace

Carol Cohn, USA

Helena Cornelius

Helena Cornelius

CAAT, Campaign Against Arms Trade

cora weiss

Cora Weiss

Jag vill, enligt önskan från Tomas Magnusson och NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WATCH göra följande nominering av Cora Weiss, New York City, USA, till Nobels fredspris 2020: Alva Myrdal sa i samband med att hon fick Nobels fredspris, att priset skulle mer ges till dem som organiserar fredskongresser, en av de saker som nämns i testamentet, och som Bertha von Suttner och dåtidens fredsaktivister ägnade all sin kraft åt att göra, och som Nobel gav ekonomiskt stöd till redan under sin livstid.

David Krieger


Krieger and NAPF, as consultant to the Marshall Islands, have supported the call lawsuits against the nuclear weapons states in the UN Court at the Hague. The foundation built a consortium of nearly one hundred organizations in the world that agreed to do likewise.

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Jayantha Dhanapala


Scilla Elworthy

Scilla Elworthy

Amy Goodman

Daniel Ellsberg


“Has won recognition as the grand old man among whistleblowers”

I 2016 er Ellsberg også blitt tildelt byen Dresdens fredspris. Seremonien ble filmet i sin helhet og er lagt ut på nett her. Ellsbergs tale ved seremonien starter etter en time (løper fra 1:05 til 1:44) demonstrerer hvordan han belyser de store spørsmål om menneskenes sikkerhet og fremtid – og vårt individuelle ansvar for å hindre misbruk av militær og politisk makt. Hans tema, å forebygge og hindre militær maktbruk, er selve kjerneideen i «prisen for fredsforkjempere» som Nobel beskrev i sitt testament.

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Daniel Ellsberg

Dawn Engle

The nominees, a married couple, have initiated and devoted their lives to a project mainly aimed at engaging young people in peace and non-violence.

Richard Falk

Professor Richard A. Falk, USA, is a world renown scholar who has invested unique skills and energy in a life-long commitment to Nobel’s stated goals through consistent work with world order models as well as global governance based on the rule of law and a strong democratic civil society.

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Federico Mayor and the culture of peace initiative

Federico Mayor continues to work for a transition from a culture of imposition and war to a culture of dialogue and peace. Through his writings, talks, and huge network of distinguished people, he is able to inspire and guide thinkers and political decision-makers alike.

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Benjamin Ferencz


At 96, he reminds us of the work that we have yet to accomplish – such as criminalizing aggressive war – and realizing Nobel’s vision to build a world order where the Law takes precedence over Power, and where the Power of Law is stronger than the Law of Power.

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Freedom of The Press Foundation

Ellsberg was one co-founder of the Freedom of the Press foundation, founded in 2012. Freedom of the Press Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to fund and support free speech and freedom of the press.

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Johan Galtung

For decades Johan Galtung has been an inspirational presence in the field of peace studies broadly conceived. His exceptional vitality and mobility has brought this message of understanding and insight into peace with justice to the four corners of the planet in a remarkable fashion that is truly unique in its educational and activist impact. It is no exaggeration to write that he invented and established the field of peace studies as a respected subject of study in institutions of higher learning throughout the world.

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Johan Galtung
Global Zero

Global Zero

Nuclear weapons are primarily a political weapon, not one currently used in the battlefield. As such, there is no single approach to eliminating the threat. Success in achieving nuclear abolition will require a combination of approaches, some emphasizing the inhumanity and illegality of nuclear weapons, others emphasizing the economic and political costs, and others emphasizing the possibilities to achieve security without relying on nuclear deterrence. …. Global Zero leaders include very influential legislators and former officials from the nuclear armed and allied States.

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Frank Grevil


International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms. Berlin, New York, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

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One Billion Acts of Peace

One billion Acts of Peace

Nihon Hidankyo, antinuclear organization

Awarding Hidankyo the prize would be our way of recognizing their extraordinary contribution to world peace and of thanking them, in the name of all humanity, for their moral example.

Nihon Hidankyo

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NAPF

Krieger and NAPF, as consultant to the Marshall Islands, have supported the call lawsuits against the nuclear weapons states in the UN Court at the Hague. The foundation built a consortium of nearly one hundred organizations in the world that agreed to do likewise.

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Kate Dewes og Rob Green

Kate Dewes og Rob Green

Kazumi Matsui, Hiroshima

Kazumi Matsui, Hiroshima

Katharine Gunn

katharine Gunn

Many in the following list of people and groups actually nominated are presented in The Real Nobel Peace Prize, in the descriptions of persons who had deserved to win:

Abolition 2000, Global organization

Article 9, Japan

Assange, Julian, Australia

Benjamin, Medea, USA

Bolkovac, Kathryn, USA

Bruce Kent, UK

Cabasso, Jacqueline, USA

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots International

CICC, Coalition for the International Criminal Court

Clark, Helen, New Zealand

Cohn, Carol, USA

Combatants for Peace, Israel/Palestine

Cornelius, Helena, Australia

CAAT, Campaign Against Arms Trade, UK

David Krieger, USA

Dhanapala, Jayantha, Sri Lanka

Ellsberg, Daniel, USA

Elworthy, Scilla, UK

Engle, Dawn, USA

Falk, Richard, USA

Federico Mayor and the culture of peace initiative, Spain

Ferencz, Benjamin, USA

Freedom of The Press Foundation, USA

Galtung, Johan, Norway

Global Zero, international organization

Goodman, Amy, USA

Grevil, Frank, Denmark

Gunn, Katharine, UK

Hidankyo, Nihon, Japan

IALANA (International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms) Berlin, New
York, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

ICAN, International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear arms, Switzerland

Ikuro Anzai, Japan

Johnson, Rebecca, UK

Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen,

Kate Dewes/Rob Green, New Zealand/UK

Kazumi Matsui, Hiroshima, Japan

Kelly, Kathy, USA

Kent, Bruce, UK

Kirkenes Puckers Norway

Krieger, David, USA

Kuyukov, Karipbek, Kazakhstan

Lee, Barbara, USA

Lindner, Evelin, Norway

Madeleine Rees, UK

Malalai Joya, Afghanistan

Manning, Chelsea, USA

Mayors for Peace, International

Monbiot, George, UK

Nagvanshi, Shruti, India

NAPF, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Nazarbayev, Nursultan, Kazakhstan

Nihon Hidankyo, Japan

Oberg, Jan, Sweden

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NAPF, US

One Billion Acts of Peace global campaign

Pace, William, USA

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Pilger, John, Australia

Pope Francis / Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Raghuvanshi, Lenin, India

Rees, Madeleine, UK

Ross, Carne, UK

Roy, Arundhati, India

Sanders, Barry, USA

Schlichtmann, Klaus, Germany /JapanSecond

SA9, Japan

Seok-ki, Lee, South Korea

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, USA

Snowden, Edward Joseph, USA (in exile)

Stockholm international Peace research institute, (SIPRI)

Suvanjieff, Ivan, USA

Swanson, David, USA
Tambadou, Abubacarr, Gambia

Tomihisa Taue, Nagasaki, Japan

Tony de Brum, with legal team, Republic of the Marshall Islands

Unfold Zero, international organization

Union of Concerned Scientists

Urata, Kenji, Japan

Veterans for Peace (VFP), USA

Walker, Paul F., USA

Ware, Alyn, New Zealand

Weiss, Cora, USA

Weiss, Peter, USA

WikiLeaks, USA

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, (WILPF)

Wright, Ann, USA

Zelter, Angie, UK

Öberg, Jan, Sweden – see Oberg