A Squandered Opportunity
to Abolish War
Fredrik S. Heffermehl
The Real Nobel Peace Prize

The most original, interesting and important book about the Nobel Peace Prize – ever!
– Peter van den Dungen
The main obstacle to global peace is the common belief that it is impossible.
Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor, instituted his five prizes to serve “the greatest benefit of mankind”, but his peace prize landed far from its intended purpose – to free all nations from the deadly war dance they are trapped in.
We are at a tipping point in world history where we really need Nobel and his visionary plan for world peace. A new kind of global solidarity and co-operation must replace the endless investment in death and destruction. If weapons had been the solution, the world would have had peace long ago.
In The Real Nobel Peace Prize, Fredrik S. Heffermehl reveals the secrets of the award committee´s internal archives. His unprecedented study of nominations tucked away in a cellar in Oslo, brings to light the forgotten luminaries who were entitled to receive Nobel glory. These people and their ideas are urgently needed to rescue us from the scourge of war – and help us chart the road to true peace and security.
David Swanson on Real Nobel Peace Prize
(World Beyond War, December 2023)
“The new book is a mind-blowing introduction to a wide-ranging universe of people and organizations who should have won the Nobel peace prize. This is an amazing body of historical research. …. there is virtually no doubt that Heffermehl is right that had his list of people been given the prize, not only would the Nobel Peace Prize be more laudable, but the world would be a dramatically better place with less killing and suffering.”

Book launch and 85th birthday celebration
11/11/2023 with lots of guests and opening music by Knut Reiersrud and Marit Halvorsen.
Boklansering og 85-årsdagsfeiring 11.11.2023 med masse gjester og åpningsmusikk av Knut Reiersrud og Marit Halvorsen.